Dogs love eating just as much as humans. Your little
pup will gobble his food regardless of how you choose to feed him. However, you
love your pet as much as you love the members of your family, whether your parents,
grandparents, spouse, siblings, or children. Therefore, you probably want to
feed your doggie in the easiest, safest, and most convenient way possible. So,
how can you do it? Of course, the solution that you’ll find here on this topic
may not be suitable for your pet, but elevated feeding bowls have been gaining
popularity among pet owners. One such utensil could prove to be precisely what
your doggie needs.

About elevated bowls: First of all, you need to know what these utensils
are what makes them effective. Well, an elevated bowl is exactly what it sounds
like. It’s a feeding utensil that remains elevated off the ground. They
generally come with a stand that keeps the utensil elevated. You need to choose elevated
designer dog bowls from Posh Puppy Boutique based on your pooch’s
height. The stands also differ from one another based design specifications.
For instance, some stands have cutouts that hold the utensil, while others have
a platform. You will also find adjustable stands as well as others with
Make eating easier: Elevated designer dog bowls make things easier for
your doggie when he eats. It’s one of the most significant benefits offered by
these utensils. These elevated varietals bring the food close to your pet’s
mouth. It means that he won’t have to bend his head towards the floor to grab a
bit of food or drink water. By keeping the food at a specific elevation, you
ensure that your canine buddy doesn’t put excess strain on his neck.

Reduces messiness: Another benefit of these utensils is that they
reduce messiness. With an elevated bowl, you can be sure that your pet won’t
make the surrounding areas dirty. The stands that come with a platform will
catch every flyaway bit of food or water before they drop on the floor.
Besides, if the utensil remains attached to the stand, then your pup won’t be
able to push it around the floor while spilling its contents everywhere.
The problem: Just like everything else, there is an issue with
these elevated bowls. Fortunately, veterinarians point to only one problem that
doesn’t affect every dog. Nonetheless, the issue with eating from an elevated
utensil is that it causes stomach bloating. Bloating, also called twisted stomach
or gastric dilation volvulus, is a significantly life-threatening condition
that happens when food and gas get trapped inside the stomach. Then again, as
already mentioned earlier, bloating doesn’t affect every pooch.

Candidature: As long as your furry friend is being able to reach
the feeding utensil without straining, you can keep serving food to him in one
of them. There aren’t any specific breeds for which these utensils are perfect.
Everything depends on the size and health of your pet. You should purchase one
of them if your doggie struggles with mobility disorders.
Finally, you should consider the size of the feeding
bowl. It should be square with their chest. If the bowl remains on the same
height as their chest, then they won’t have to lift their neck or lower it to
get to the contents. This feature is beneficial to the posture of the creature.
It even eliminates possibilities of neck pain or other similar disorders while