Pets are extremely faithful buddies, psychiatrists, and pals and just like humans, need nourishment in the right proportion, shelter, fitness services and medications, security and consistent exercise to develop both mentally and physically. For this reason, there is the need to know the important designer pet accessories designed specifically to add to your pet’s appearance, health, fitness, and to foster the sound relationship, friendship and connection between you and your mongrel as with your families, so as to guide you through the supplies selection process for your beloved pets. Here is a list of important accessories designed to honor and improve man’s best four-legged companion’s existence and way of life.

  Designer Collars and Identification Tags.

Collars and identification tags are a distinctive extension of the pooch's outfit as it is not only designed to complement your mongrel’s appearance but also help to improve accessibility and Susan ol. Recently, the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy reported that only a petite figure of lost pooches usually around 20% make their way back to their guardians, however, the need and use of collar and identification tag are the simplest and reasonable way to ensure your lost pet gets back to you.


Designer Leashes are well fashioned, trendy and specially made to style your pooch. These terrific accessories were designed to ensure public safety, prevent your mongrel from chasing animals, and to avail you the option of pulling your mutt back to protect them, in cases of near occurrences of something dangerous in the environment thereby saving your mongrel’s life. Furthermore, upscale, leash designer brand such as Lupine line is pocket-friendly and even come with a lifetime guarantee.

   Luxurious designer Dog beds and carriers

Designer bed, crate, and carriers are extremely important accessories to acquire for your pooch as it can be terrifying and treacherous for your pet to spend a night in the woods or share bed with you as it has been observed that most pet owners with sleep problems often have their pet share bed space with them therefore, it is important to get your pooch a bed, crates or carriers with built-in beds designed to save space and at the same time keep your pet safe and secure. However, the use of carriers is a better way to stylishly transport your pet and to make known to the world that your pet is your most treasured companion.

Clippers, Toothbrush and Flea powders

Pet care is not just to ensure your pets look decent, but also include keeping your pooch healthy too, therefore, it is ideal to consider dog brushes, clippers, toothbrush and flea powders to help keep your pet’s fur soft, shiny and tangle-free without any snags and tangles, thereby preventing it from being a breeding ground for parasites and bacteria.


An author described the intelligence of a pooch as somewhat similar to that of a two-and-a-half-year-old child and explained further that constant chewing and digging are usually the indication your pooch is bored, therefore, require something to focus on, keep them busy while they enjoy themselves, and develop their physical and mental skills. However, toys and treats are the solutions to solving pooch boredom issues.

At our posh puppy boutique online store, we have various brands of designer pet accessories sort out to give your pet the best threats of its life ranging from chew toys to organic toys, and toy box to ensure neatness and safety.

In conclusion, you needn't stress out over caring, feeding, exercising and planning a trip with your pet. Instead, it is beneficial to plan carefully and gather the supplies designed to safeguard, occupy and beautify your pet starting with their designer identification tags and collars to leashes, luxurious designer dog beds, and carriers, toys and much more, including all necessary pet accessories and wardrobe items. Why not save yourself the stress of buying not up to scratch products by visiting our online store for your mutt essentials. We have the latest in fashionable products from designer lines like susan Lanci, Oscar Newman, Louis  dog and much more. We are fully equipped to deliver.