Feeding newborn pups

As a first-time pet owner adopting a new puppy is very exciting for the whole family. Pups are adorable little bundles of joy that are a sheer pleasure to have around the home. Once you have brought our dog home, you need to work out the feeding schedule for the pup. You need to determine the best time to feed him, how much and the frequency. While feeding pups can be a bit stressful at times, if you plan and stick to a schedule it will soon become a routine and things will fall in place.


The first thing to bear in mind is that pups have small stomachs, so they get full fast. It is best to serve them small meals all through the day. Once the puppy gets older and their growth rate plateaus, the feeding frequency can reduce to just once or twice in a day, depending on what is the best for the pup. The first six months are when there is maximum growth, so you need to take extra care of your pooch. You need to have a well planned balanced healthy diet from the beginning. When pups grow they are much more energetic than grown-up dogs. Consequently, their food must be much more nutritious as they cannot eat much, so whatever they eat must be rich in nutrients.
You need to buy premium quality puppy food which has ingredients like energy-rich fatty acids, animal-based proteins. These are a must for the pup to develop a luxurious coat of fur and bone strength. When you are looking to buy puppy food, don’t look for low-cost brands with extra large free quantities. The quality may not be up to the mark and it could contain preservatives and fillers that do not offer adequate nutritional value. When you buy premium quality puppy food it is easier on the pups’ digestive system, offers better nutritional value, has more beneficial nutrients like DHA, found in puppy mothers’ milk. Speak to your vet, carefully read the labels on the package before you decide the right product for your pup.

A few tips that will come in handy when feeding your pup are:
After checking with the vet about the quantity, in the beginning, feed the pup thrice a day. After a four-month period feeding twice will be sufficient.

Get a high-quality bowl. You could even get trendy designer dog bowls from Posh Puppy Boutique and ensure to provide fresh water all through the day.

If the puppy is teething combine moist food with dry food.

Only buy premium grade food to ensure the right amount of balanced nutrition is available to the pup. Keep it stored in a dry air-proof container for it to retain its nutritional value.

When offering the dog treats in training consult the vet as to which would be appropriate.
Avoid giving human food as they lack the necessary nutrients that an animal needs.

Select a dry and peaceful spot indoors. The kitchen would be ideal.

Maintain a fixed schedule and feed them when you have your meals. This will prevent them from hassling you for human food.