Choosing The Best Designer Dog Bowl For Your Pet


As a responsible dog owner, you probably know how important it is to provide proper nutrition! However, not everyone is aware of this importance, even if they have the best intentions. Therefore, unknowingly, they end up influencing the health and wellbeing of their pets the wrong way, of course. It’s also worth mentioning here that you won’t bestow good health upon your pet with just high-quality nutrient-rich food products. You also need something an appropriate utensil for him/her to eat from. If you don’t have a designated vessel for your pooch, you should consider buying one. Use the information provided here to get your hands on the best product in the market.

Understanding the difference: Before you start searching for designer dog bowls at Posh Puppy Boutique, you need to understand something – dogs, just like people, are different from each other. Naturally, each animal will have his/her unique requirements. As the parent, it’s your duty to provide precisely what your pup needs. Some of the breeds available today and highly unique. Selecting a bowl will get a bit easier if you consider the size, mouth shape, ear length, and temperament of your pet.


Metal products: If you want the best and safest designer dog bowls, you should stick to the aisles featuring metal vessels. They are durable, break-proof, and resistant to biting. You can also clean and disinfect them within minutes. These variants are available in multiple versions. For instance, a few products have rubber bottoms that prevent the utensil from slipping. You’ll also find stool-like frames that hold the bowl above the ground. You should know that a dog can hurt his/her neck due to constantly stooping down while eating. The only problem with metal products is that there aren’t many options based on colors.

Ceramic products: Here’s another option for you – ceramic bowls. They are available in a wide array of styles and colors. They can be quite heavy, which means you don’t have to worry about the utensil slipping or skidding away as your pooch fills his/her belly. The smoothness of the surfaces of these vessels makes it easier for you to clean. Since they don’t sensitize, they’re perfect for allergic pets. You can even use them as an interesting element to add to the “wow” factor of your home décor. Now, ceramic products can be quite expensive, and they tend to break easily too. If a bowl gets cracked, you have to replace it as soon as possible. Otherwise, microbes will start accumulating in the crack.


Plastic products: As you can imagine, plastic products are the cheapest. However, they feature more colors and shapes than every other dog bowl variant available in the market. They don’t break easily, either. Then again, you will experience difficulties while cleaning them. You may even end up with a couple of scratches if you use a metal scrubber. These scratches will facilitate the accumulation and growth of bacteria and grime. They are also extremely light, which means your doggie may just push it around the entire house while eating.




Finding the right feeding utensil for your pet isn’t going to be a challenge if you know what to look for. Stick to the guidelines described here and you’ll surely find the best item.

